Focused on positive community outcomes
Our community
As an Australian oil and gas company we focus on ensuring positive outcomes in our local communities. To contribute to sustainable and beneficial growth, we closely engage and participate with our stakeholders. Our ‘social investment’ extends to involving our stakeholders in our projects and providing training and employment across local communities.

Community engagement
Engagement with landowners, stakeholders, and community
We operate within local communities and on the lands of traditional owners, lease-holders and land-owners. We take ownership of our responsibilities to these stakeholders, and the protection of the environment and cultural heritage. We continue to update local stakeholders about our exploration and production activities.
We also work closely with Government to ensure we achieve full compliance with all regulatory requirements, such as environmental protection. We draw on local expertise to:
- Identify the best ways to manage and/or minimise impact to the normal operations and routines of stakeholders; and
- Ensure potential benefits to stakeholders, as identified, are realised.
Respect for Indigenous lands & culture
As an Australian oil and gas company, many of Central Petroleum Limited’s (Central) operations are located on or near Indigenous lands with more than 20,000 Aboriginal people living in our areas of operation in the Northern Territory.
Central recognises, embraces and respects the Indigenous historical, legal and heritage ties to these lands. We are committed to open and respectful engagement with the Traditional Owners of land and provide material benefits through employment and income, along with training and professional development opportunities and support for community activities.
Brief case study:
A significant Company milestone was achieving agreement through the Central Land Council with the Traditional Owners for location of the ‘Surprise Oil Well’. Having received the consent of the (then) Commonwealth Minister for Indigenous Affairs to the agreement with the Traditional Owners, we proudly received the first onshore Production Licence in the Northern Territory since the historic Mabo decision.
Now and into the future, the protection of cultural heritage and sacred sites, respectful engagement, Indigenous employment, and business opportunities are essential pillars of our operations.
Traditional owner employment
22% Indigenous personnel in NT
Local employment & limited FIFO
Core operations around Alice Springs
39% of NT personnel are locally employed
Reliable energy for Australian businesses
All gas is supplied to domestic customers, providing competitively priced, reliable energy
Local economic benefit
$3m local economic activity
Over $2.6m in royalties and Central Land Council payments to NT economy
Prospecting for non-hydrocarbon resources
Active appraisal of Helium and Hydrogen